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This product introduces students to the concept of the 5W's, Who, What, Where, When, and Why. They gain valuable skills to apply when reading newspaper articles through both a group and individual activity. Also included are the 5W's in a poster format for classroom display.
Individual Activity: students get handout introducing the 5W’s and then read and underline them in a sample article.
Group Activity: students use newspapers and find an article to analyze and share as a group, filling in the 5W’s summary sheet.
-Individual Activity Teaching Suggestions-5W’s Handout-Sample Article Student Worksheet-Sample Article Answer Sheet-Group Activity Teaching Suggestions-Group Activity Worksheet-5W’s Posters-Color Coding Poster
Media Studies: Word Wall Words and Definitions
This product contains 10 word wall words and their definitions surrounding the topic of media. The words included are: Media, Issue, Paradigm, Facts, Opinion, Bias, Propaganda, Perspective, Doublespeak, and Credible. These words will help students when exploring topics surrounding informational texts, global issues, and daily news.
I have also included these words without definitions for student use (for example: have students brainstorm their own definitions before putting up the class definition).
Introduction- Identifying Bias: 3 Sample Articles + Group Activity
In this activity students read three sample articles that have been written from different perspectives surrounding the construction of a new community landfill (perspective of editorial writer, company, and city council). They fill out an interpretation sheet for each one and see how each author presents a slightly different perspective. They then answer a series of questions about/comparing all three articles.
Contents:-Teaching Suggestions-3 Sample Articles written with bias-Article Interpretation Worksheet-Concluding Questions/Comparison Worksheet
Writing a Newspaper Article: Brainstorming, Planning, and Rough Draft Worksheets
This product is a series of 5 worksheets walking students through the stages of writing a newspaper article. They start by brainstorming two possible topics they might want to write about, they move on the planning the 5W's of their article as well as the details and other information they will include, they then fill out a rough draft to edit. There is also a blank template for the writing of a good copy and space for a drawing or photo.