Wednesday 15 October 2014

The Middle Ages Unit Study- Book List

Are you an elementary teacher or a homeschooler looking to do a unit study on the Middle Ages? It can be difficult to sort through the stacks of books at your local library or bookstore to find the best ones. After immersing myself in the Middle Ages to create my Middle Ages: A Time Travel Unit Study I decided to rustle up some good books. Here are my recommendations for great reads to supplement your studies of the Middle Ages.


The Knight at Dawn
The Magic Tree House series is always a favourite. Jack and Annie explore a midlevel castle and feast. This is a great supplement to generate student interest prior to starting the unit.

A Medieval Feast
Great for a younger audience, this book has beautiful illustrations as it explores life in a castle as a feast is prepared for the nobility.

Castle Diary: The Journal of Tobias Burgess
Students get a glimpse at castle life through the eyes of an 11 year old boy as they read his journal entries. A good look at everyday life through a narrative form.


The Middle Ages: Everyday Life In Medieval Europe
Generally good information about all the different aspects of daily life in the Middle Ages. It is rather text heavy and focuses on everyday life, rather than major historical events. Look at hygiene, entertainment, food and more. 


Eyewitness Books: Medieval Life
Though a more pricy option Eyewitness books are always a good investment. With a nice balance of text to images. This book provides general information about life in the Middle Ages with high quality artifact and recreation photos to bring the time period to life.

What are your favourite books to use when studying the Middle Ages? I'd love to hear in the comments below or at 

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